What to wear
This list is provided as a guide only.
The clothing you wear on a bushwalk must be comfortable,robust, not have loose or flapping pieces and be that which you do not mind getting dirty or torn.
With bushwalking it is advisable to adopt the "layer principle" in dressing- i.e. take several light layers that can be adjusted through the day rather than one heavy layer.
Following is a checklist of what to wear on a summertime day walk.
- Shorts or lightweight quick drying pants - jeans or cotton pants get cold when wet
- Shirt - preferably with long sleeves and a collar
- Correctly fitting and comfortable boots, sandshoes or Joggers. Thongs or sandals are not acceptable.
- Hat - with a brim all around
You may also like to take sunglasses and wear a watch (one you don't mind getting scratched or dirty).